PATH (Promoting Attachment and Trauma Healing) is a comprehensive framework of education that supports caregivers who are parenting children with known trauma effects and/or attachment difficulties. The overall goals of this framework are to increase understanding; to build and strengthen skills; and to grow emotional resiliency of parents/caregivers as they create healthy attachments and teach self-regulation to their children, many of whom have come to their families through foster care, kinship placement or adoption.
This workshop will be an interactive lecture with some hands-on practice. Presenters will tie the tenets to specific examples in their families’ lives or in experiences of the children and families of the Attachment, as well as the developmental neuroscience and trauma-informed strategies that support this work.
- Participants will be able to describe how early adversities produce trauma and the impact that has on early childhood brain development.
- Participants will be able to articulate why building healthy attachment is important and give examples of everyday interactions that build more secure attachment.
- Participants will list the PATH tenets and explain how these tenets lead to a trauma-informed, attachment-focused parenting approach, regardless of the specific parenting model or parent attachment style.
- Participants will explain the importance of ongoing support and access to self-care needed for caregivers of children with trauma impacts and attachment challenges.