Do you have a youth who is enrolled tribal and transitioning to adulthood between the ages of 13 to 18 and needing assistance with housing?
Or between the ages 18 and 21 and unstably housed or unsheltered?
The Cowlitz Indian Tribe can help!
Contact Adam Moore, Case Manager or Shari Parker Program Manager:
Cowlitz Indian Tribe
928 Fir Street, Longview, WA 98632
Office: 360-575-3318
Adam’s Cell: 360-506-0312
Email: or
The Cowlitz Tribes’ CTC program has its own definitions of homelessness and near homelessness that is best clarified by coordinating with their worker, Shari Parker, who is also the Program Manager of their vocational rehabilitation (it’s recently been renamed) program. To clarify, near homelessness often includes couch surfing, living in a car, etc. Youth in juvenile detention are also eligible for the program. The tribe has a process already developed and forms already available to begin work with state agencies to speed the process of providing services to these youth in need.
These services are unique from many of the other agencies that DCYF works with in that there is no danger of duplication of services.
What can the program do?
· Build trusting relationships with the youth
· Strengthen community connections
· Assist in navigating systems to obtain housing
· Offer flexible funding to help with rental assistance, utility assistance, food assistance, transportation, educational and employment opportunities and more!