Washington State Identicard, Instruction Permit and Personal Driver License for Foster Youth Click here for more information
Approval : Connie Lambert-Eckel, Acting Assistant Secretary
Original Date: June 12, 2008
Revised Date: July 1, 2018
Sunset Review: June 1, 2021
Assist the youth in obtaining a state issued photo identification card prior to their 18th birthday. Photo identification helps the youth participate in normal adolescent activities and prepare for adulthood is required for opening a bank account, applying for a job seeking, housing, driving instruction permit, or personal driver license.
This policy applies to Division of Children and Family Services staff.
RCW Chapter 13.34 Dependency and Termination of Parent-Child Relationship
RCW 74.13.283 Washington state Identicards – Foster Youth
RCW 74.13.710 Out-of-home care—Childhood Activities—Prudent Parent Standard
All youth must have a state issued photo identification card prior to his or her 18th birthday.
To request a WA state Identicard, instruction permit or personal driver license:All requests for a Washington state Identicard must be submitted to Department of Licensing (DOL) on the Request for Washington State Identicard form DSHS 11-077. This is a standardized form approved by DOL and cannot be altered.
The youth must be accompanied to the DOL office by the one of following persons to obtain his or her Identicard:Caseworker;
Contracted Independent Living (IL) case manager; or
Other adult designated by the caregiver
All youth must have a Washington State Identicard Request form DSHS 11-077 in DOL’s system before DOL will process a request for an instruction permit or personal driver license.
All requests for an instruction permit or personal driver license must be submitted on the Request for Washington State Instruction Permit or Personal Driver License form DSHS 02-636. This is a standardized form approved by DOL. It must be fully completed and cannot be altered.
Youth and caregivers must follow DOL instructions when obtaining an Identicard, instruction permit or personal driver license.
- To request an Enhanced WA state Identicard (EID) or Enhanced driver license (EDL):Verify the youth currently has a valid form of identification (WA state Identicard or Tribe issued identification card.
Obtain a court order that specifically:Authorizes the issuance of an enhanced WA state Identicard or personal driver license; and
Identifies the name of the authorized caregiver.
Assist the youth and caregiver in planning and preparing for the EID or EDL, this includes but not limited to:Reviewing and discussing the requirements outlined on the DOL website. Youth and caregivers must follow DOL instructions when obtaining an EID or EDL;
Obtaining required documents for the youth; and
Locating local Enhanced DOL offices, as not all DOL offices process EID or EDL.
Inform the authorized caregiver that they must:Accompany the youth to the local DOL office; and
Be prepared to provide valid identification of themselves.
- When requesting a WA state Identicard , the caseworker must:
Complete the WA state Identicard form DSHS 11-077 and attach a 2.5 in. by 3 in. color photograph of the youth based on DOL’s photo standards:A full face view of the youth directly facing the camera.
The youth’s head from the top of the head to the tip of the chin and side. Ears are not required to show.
No hair (including bangs) across the eyes.
No hats, glasses, hoodies or other items that obscure the face.
Submit the original completed WA state Identicard form DSHS 11-077 to DOL in one of the following ways:First class mail to:
Department of Licensing
Attn: License Integrity Unit
PO BOX 9029 Olympia WA 98507-9029
Attn: Driver Examining Foster Care Kids
Scan and email to: DOLDSDSHSLETTER@DOL.WA.GOVSend the form as an attached Word document or Adobe only.
Include in the subject line of the email the last name, first name, middle initial and date of birth of the youth.
Do not leave any spaces between each section. For example John L. Doe born 01/01/1988 would be DoeJohnL010188.
In-person when accompanying the youth to the local DOL office. Caseworkers will be required to show CA identification.
Provide the youth with a copy of the completed WA state Identicard form DSHS 11-077 and place a completed copy in the youth’s file.
- The caseworker must assist the youth in obtaining the Identicard when the form is mailed or electronically submitted. This includes:Coordinating with the caregiver or contracted IL case manager to determine who is taking the youth to the local DOL office if the caseworker is not accompanying the youth.
Explaining the steps for obtaining an Identicard at the local DOL office to the youth. This includes the informing the youth to bring a copy of the completed Identicard request form.
Informing the youth when they can obtain their Identicard based on the timeframes listed below:After three business days if the form was electronically submitted.
After seven business days if the form was mailed.
The youth will have up to 60 calendar days to go to the local DOL office to request the Identicard.
After 60 days the caseworker will need to submit a new request.
The caseworker must discuss the procedures in section 2.ii and 2.iii with either the caregiver or contracted IL case manager when the caseworker is not accompanying the youth.
- When requesting an Instruction Permit or Personal Driver License , the caseworker must:
Verify the youth has a WA state Identicard. If the youth does not have an Identicard.Complete the WA state Identicard form DSHS 11-07 process outlined in procedure section 1.a.
Submit the completed identicard form with the Instruction Permit or Personal Driver License form DSHS 02-636.
Submit the original completed Request for Washington State Instruction Permit or Personal Driver License form DSHS 02-636 to DOL in one of the following ways:First class mail to:
Department of Licensing
Attn: License Integrity Unit
PO BOX 9029 Olympia WA 98507-9029
Scanned and emailed to:
DOLDSDSHSLETTER@DOL.WA.GOVSend the form as an attached word or adobe document only.
Include in the subject line the last name, first name, middle initial and date of birth of the youth.
Do not leave any spaces between each section. For example John L. Doe born 01/01/1988 would be DoeJohnL010188.
If the Identicard request is being submitted electronically at the same time as the instruction permit or personal driver license request, combine the documents into one attachment before sending them to DOL.
Inform the youth when they can go to the DOL office to obtain the instruction permit or personal driver license based on the timeframes listed below:After three business days if the form was electronically submitted.
After seven business days if the form was mailed.
The youth will have up to 60 calendar days to go to the local DOL office to request the instruction permit or personal driver license.
After 60 days the caseworker will need to submit a new request
Provide the youth and or caregiver with a copy of the completed Request for Washington State Instruction Permit or Personal Driver License form DSHS 02-636.
Retain a signed copy in the case file.